Appareils de mesure EC culture des plantes

Solution d'étalonnage d'EC, GIB Industries EC 1,4-PRO, 1,413 mS/cm, 300 ml
GIB Industries EC, 1,4-PRO Calibration Fluid, 300 ml, Buffer Solution -
Kit de nettoyage et de calibrage d'EC bluelab
bluelab EC cleaning and calibration kits High-quality cleaning and calibration kits for bluelab EC Pen, Truncheon, Combo Meter and Guardian consists of: 2 x 20ml 2.77 EC 1 x Eichbecher 1x Flasche Elektroden Reinigungsflüssigkeit 1x Reinigungsspatel 1x Gebrauchsanweisung -
Solution d'étalonnage d'EC bluelab, EC 2,77, 250 ml
bluelab EC Calibration Solution, EC 2.77, 250 ml The instrument is only as accurate as the probe is clean! pH measuring equipment must be cleaned and calibrated regularly to ensure they are giving the user accurate readings. pH instruments must be c...