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  • 707211
  • 707216
  • Advanced Hydroponics
  • Atami
  • AutoPot
  • Bio Nova
  • BioBizz
  • BioTabs
  • Guanokalong
  • Hesi
  • Keine Marke
  • Mills
  • Plagron
  • ROOT!T
  • SUPERthrive
  • Terra Aquatica (GHE)
  • VitaLink
Items 41 to 50
67 Item(s)
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  5. 7
on 7 page(s)
  • 102239_bild_teaser.png
    SKU: 102239
    Code: 71

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • 102414_bild_teaser.png
    SKU: 102414
    Code: 200209

    Biobizz BIO-GROW, 1L

    - plant-based Growth fertilizer to improve the productivity of the soil - contains Dutch sugar beet extract (by-product of beet processing) - applicable to the whole growing period until the end of fruit production

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • BIOBIZZ CalMag, 5 L
    SKU: 110337

    BIOBIZZ CalMag, 5 L

    - as an additive to prevent and correct calcium and magnesium deficiency - to ensure the appropriate mineral concentration in the tap water used - suitable for soil, coconut substrate and hydro systems

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • Biobizz FISH-MIX, 20 L
    SKU: 110280

    Biobizz FISH-MIX, 20 L

    - for the acceleration of plant growth - Mixture of fish emulsion and sugar beet extract - applicable as leaf fertilizer in the growth phase (diluted in the spray bottle)

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • BIOBIZZ CalMag, 500 ml
    SKU: 110335

    BIOBIZZ CalMag, 500 ml

    - as an additive to prevent and correct calcium and magnesium deficiency - to ensure the appropriate mineral concentration in the tap water used - suitable for soil, coconut substrate and hydro systems

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • 102744_bild_teaser.png
    SKU: 102744
    Code: A30137

    Plagron Start-Up, 1 L

    Plagron Start-Up, 1 L

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • Plagron Start-Up, 5 L
    SKU: 102745
    Code: A30690

    Plagron Start-Up, 5 L

    Plagron Start-Up, 5 L

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • 102416_bild_teaser.png
    SKU: 102416
    Code: 200211

    Biobizz BIO-GROW, 10 L

    - plant-based Growth fertilizer to improve the productivity of the soil - contains Dutch sugar beet extract (by-product of beet processing) - applicable to the whole growing period until the end of fruit production - NPK 8-2-6

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • Plagron Alga Bloom, 100 ml
    SKU: 102726

    Plagron Alga Bloom, 100 ml

    Alga Blüte Biologisches Düngemittel aus Meeresalgen für Pflanzen in der Blütephase Organisch-mineralischer und flüssiger Nährstoff Ausgewogenes Verhältnis an Phosphor und Kalium Stickstoff sorgt für gleichmäßiges, optimales Wachstum Verdünnen Sie 4 ml mit 1 L Wasser Zusammensetzung - 13% Phosphor - 14% Kalium - 1,5% Stickstoff - Spurenelemente, Vitamine, Enzyme, Wachstumshormone, Fermente und über 20 Arten Aminosäuren

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

  • 102415_bild_teaser.png
    SKU: 102415
    Code: 200210

    Biobizz BIO-GROW, 5 L

    - plant-based Growth fertilizer to improve the productivity of the soil - contains Dutch sugar beet extract (by-product of beet processing) - applicable to the whole growing period until the end of fruit production - NPK 8-2-6

    desired quantity

    including 19 % VAT, excluding shipping

Items 41 to 50
67 Item(s)
  1. 3
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  5. 7
on 7 page(s)